Incident Reporting
– Understanding accident investigation techniques is an integral part of your safety program. Proper inspection of the workplace can prevent an accident before it happens, while incident investigation will reduce and/or eliminate accident recurrences, prevent injuries, property damages, and financial losses.
How To Develop A Safety Program
– Learn how to develop and enhance your safety program Florida Workers’ Compensation law authorizes premium reductions for an effective safety policy promoting safe working conditions.
Preparing for Emergencies
– Assists in development of a comprehensive action plan for a potential crisis. Covers program responsibility and management, personnel training, fire and explosion, evacuation and much more.
Employee Screening & Safety Orientation
– Reduce problems by careful selection and orientation of new employees. Learn the win/win method of employee termination, a thorough orientation process and employee selection and hiring. A must for all personnel involved in the hiring process.
Understanding Behavior and Stress Strategies
– Recognize stress control and reduction techniques, and learn how to aid supervisors and management can contribute less to employee stress. Identify mod and attitude changes caused by on and off the job stimuli.
– OSHA calls the ’90’s the Decade of Ergonomics. Topics covered include workplace corrections to reduce both employee injuries and workers’ compensation claims. Improving your employee safety and productivity is easily accomplished.
Methods and Techniques of Training
– Safety training, required by OSHA, makes good sense. Learn methods of presentation that will guarantee learning and retention. Motivating your employees, producing dynamic safety meetings and more are covered in this program.
Record keeping & Documentation
– This course covers the details of record keeping: what is recordable and what is not, what is recordable as an injury, as an illness, and categorizing the difference between illness and injury. Analyzing the data to prevent similar incidents from recurring is also discussed.
Loss Control Part I
– Foundations – Introduces the principals of insurance and the importance of inspections before and after the incident. Attention is given to how and why to investigate near miss incidents and understand Job Safety Analysis.
Loss Control Part II
– Applications – Part I is not a pre-requisite to Part II. Students will examine applications during group exercises. Employer/ employee rights and obligations are explored.
Managing a Drug Free Workplace
– A state approved Drug Free Workplace will directly reduce premiums and positively impact your cost of doing business. Drug use results in increased job turnover, absenteeism, injuries, and theft/security problems. All of these lead to poor employee morale and performance.
Managing Workers’ Compensation
– is a comprehensive course that covers the following: Medical assistance and return to work programs, insurance understanding and how to save, the legal aspects of workers’ compensation, the investigation process to eliminate future incidents, and the employers’ rights and obligations.
These may vary from Year to year.
· Managing An OSHA Inspection
· Employer Workshop ADA/ Compliance / Workers’ Compensation
· OSHA’s TOP 10: Are you in Compliance?
· Employment Law Basics
· Hazard Communication Standard
· Effective Safety Committees
You must earn 40 core credits and 10 elective credits within three years to receive your PSM Certification. Once the certification is earned, an additional 16 elective credits are required every two years to maintain certification. All graduates will receive a plaque upon completion of the program. You can choose the training alternative that meets your needs. Sign up for the entire series and earn your certification in just a year – or just take a few courses. Core courses will be repeated, and new electives added to help you keep up to date with regulatory and legislative changes.